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United Kingdom
We are poets , healers , lovers and dreamers and oh so much more......................

Friday 30 November 2018


In dark times 
In dark times 
In dark times 
To rise above the group ..
The herd mentality 
All you have heard 
All you have seen
All you have been shown 
In dark times 
Gather yourself for what’s in store 
And go deep within to find even MORE STRENGTH
To .....as you put it
in dark times
In dark times
in dark times move swiftly 
Stay on the path of light 
Stay on the path of faith 
Stay on the path of truth
in dark times
When all seems lost
When the wickedness of man has spread far and wide 
When the suffering of our brothers 
and sisters who’s hands remain tied after 400 years of hate filled lies 
Kept in line... body’s engraved forever  enslaved...
Remains present...
That the light that expands beyond this tiny little planet and the great sins of man 
Is far larger 
Far brighter
Far deeper
Than has ever been told in any one story 
In dark times 
in dark times 
Fear hate and anger can bind us
In dark times 
The sins of omission can find us
Weak and disempowered .
People give in 
Fearful angry and overwhelmed 
The zealous change little 
Or distracted consumed with the mundanities of life....blind to the suffering of our fellow kin 
Stuck in a cycle of consumerism 
In dark times 
In dark times 
to hear the wisdom from the ancients 
The ancestors and wise sages
The voice of love that transcends all ages 
In dark times
 in dark times 
in dark times 
The fear filled narrative has had its time 
We are not here SUBMIT  or to TOW the line !
So yes
in dark times 
In dark times 
in dark times 
in dark times 

Like yours  ... when you met mine

Thursday 29 November 2018


The game of life 
When is life good enough you say ...
Why the drama you say ...
Well.... let me tell you why 
I want to break the mould
Let go of the old 
In this true intention ... sometimes there is chaos 
An uncomfortable space 
Crazy projections 
Emotional instability 
As the body adjusts 
To its new capabilities 
As the ego clings 
Yes I shed a tear !
A death !

But there is rebirth !
No hiding spaces 
Labour pains 
They can last a while ! 
When a women gives birth 
Her pelvis can literally crack 
Should she remain politely quiet 
For a pat on the back 
Well done you stayed calm !
Sitting on your lotus flower emanating your healing balm 
No she screams 
She pants 
She moves her body in rhythmic motion 
I  made a LIFE  ! 
It requires a FIRE
It requires COURAGE 
It requires a surrender to a primordial force that cannot be contained in any human who lives to truly come alive 
Not just survive !
I will not be conformed 
I will not apologise for the fire in my belly 
For wanting more passion for wanting  deep union 
For wanting deep communion 
To fill my senses
To feel my body alive 
To awaken to the holy spirit... 
I will not apologise for any part of me that dares ...in this stifling fucking patriarchial society 
to show her face and breath ....life !
I have a voice 
Sometimes I want to scream 
Wake up !
Sometimes on this paradoxical journey to this place where we remain ...looking for a road 
We realise we have travelled far from our abode. Then we look again and realise it isn’t true 
As we truly are the witness of everything we do 
Sometimes in this there is great peace 
At other times 
It seems great release 
Sometimes in this 
There is great hunger passion and fire as the emerging consciousness 
Takes us higher 
It’s not a sweet and simple path 
But worthy all the same 
There is no LIFE in playing safe 
Like a pawn in someone else’s game 
If I’m scared I’m gonna say it 
If I’m vulnerable I show it 
If I’m angry ..  sorry your gonna feel it 
you are on that journey too 
Light and dark 
I’m done with being the good person 
The kind person 
The nice person everyone expects to see ... responsive to every whim 
Draining my energy 
The Essence of all those parts come with ease when I’m truly free ...
I know that YOU SEE...too 

So I’m not trying anymore to impress 
ANYONE ... not even you 
I’m  just going to be me 
if I offend ... so it be 
And all those little pieces that 
Were hidden deep ... I set them free 
When is life good enough you say 
I say every second of every day 
outside of comfort ..
And be it  
Why  the drama ?
Let me say it clearly now 
To emerge from the mundanity 
The sameness... the comfortable dead spaces we create 
The 9-5 
Polite conversations with no life
Television on 
Glued to phones 
Sat on the Xbox ... zoned ...out 
From feeling 
Resistant to deep healing 
Flirtations with the passing ...
No conscious intent 
Words that pacify 
Gratify the ego 
No hunger ...no fire for life 
If you want to fall in love with your wife ....everyday 
Take her out of the box you’ve projected 
As I take you out of mine ...
Meet the new in each other every day 
Every morning 
Search ...look ...inquire 
Pay attention 
Be inspired 
Choose to find your muse ...again ....and again ....and again ....no ending 
Spontaneity... eye contact ...fun ...laughter 
Where have they gone 
As we sleep back to back 
Hoping one day to get back on track 
Why not now 
Right this minute 
Why the fear to say what we feel 
It can’t kill us ! 
Why the resistance 
I can take it 
Your not on a pedestal 
You can’t fall 
I’ll love you no matter what 
It can be no other way 
No matter what you say 
Transformation can come in an instant !
Or is the love gone ..
As you silently judge 
Sat on  your self righteous throne
It’s not a nice place to be 
It feels safe but inhibits true intimacy 
I know I go there too 

True intimacy ... what does it mean 
To be intimate and true to self 
True to all parts 
Allowing each their  expression 
Each their confession 

And Some paths have to be walked alone 
You can share a vision and seeds can be sewn 
Yet each ones journey must be their own ...
The journey from the mind to the heart 
Takes a lifetime and a second 
There’s no safe and comfortable spaces when you hunger for true union with God
When you burn like this 
When your whole life freedom has been ringing in your ears 
There is only temporary amnesia
When is life good enough you say
I say 
When we fully awaken 
And not a moment before !

Then we know love that surpasses every tired expectation ...

Leanne 2018

Wednesday 28 November 2018

I’m an expansive being you see
I know what it is to be FREE
but I came to this planet 
With the full knowledge 
It might just get a bit  messy 

And messy is sometimes me ....

A poet is never truly free from the human condition of misery !!!

It’s just the way it is you see 
The contrast is a necessity 

To know the prison ........the false identity 
And then to see with the sight of the mystic ....beyond the great sea
To be simply BE

Yes I’m that too ....
I know the width and breadth of love that knows no bounds and has no form 
I know the space that exists within and transcends the day to day norm 
That much is inscribed in my soul
Yet now I’m here playing at becoming whole 

As I experience states of separation 
That are only accessible here 
I break a sweat 
I shed a tear 
I’ve sat crumpled naked in the shower 
Screaming at god in fear 

For The human condition in all its manifest glory is the greatest and yet most tragic story ....

Each life is like a little pen 
Writing their own little chapter in this great book of life 
And God you might say would be the author and the ink ....
And while some little pens write smoothly 
Some sadly sink 

There’s been a few Smudges on the pages of my little book....

Some just make me cringe !
But when I take a second look 
The smudges look like art 
As I look at all those perfect Imperfections 
You know ....the ones that broke my little heart 

I realise that the book of life
Ought not to be a perfectly written manuscript with measured lines to scribe 
But rather full of crumpled pages 
Crossed out blots and missed full stops
And very much ALIVE 
Big thick felt tips scrawling across the pages 
Not just the The great and lofty  words of the great and wise old sages 

I came to earth with a bump you see
To touch to taste  to feel !

To fall down 7 times 
Yet still get up 
Get real .....
So my book my story 
Has more than a crumpled page 
It’s filled with every colour and every kind of form 
It’s story is by no means 
An attempt to conform 
To the non attachment rule
Like a disembodied fool...
I’m fully human ...
And I’m afraid No more .

Leanne 2018


"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

This is for those so called unadjusted souls 
Marginalised by those disguised as Human ...

I want a place ..  
I want a place where the people will come 
I want a place that's warm 
A place where there's a smiling face.... a warm embrace 
A gentle touch that conveys a thousand words ...... in just a moment 
A healing space ...

I want a place where a broken man can rest his head and dream a dream 
A place where a child that has nothing can see their worth 
I want a place where a woman who's face has seen her mans fist a thousand times can look in the mirror and say I'm beautiful 
I want a place where beauty is felt and known  and seen within each  of us ...no matter our age ....race ....gender or body shape ..our mental agility or physical ability ...
I want a a place where the man In a wheelchair can stand tall....
 a place where a young girl can look at her tight curls and brown skin and feel proud ....a place where she is allowed .....to feel enough 
I want a place where the young woman  who's self harmed to ease  her pain can receive a loving touch and for a moment feel sane 
I want a place that offers some space around the thoughts of those unadjusted souls ...who's eyes glazed over have lost their spark .. not through fault of their own ....as society would have us believe in our labelling... our medical curses and various diagnosis ...

I want a place where unadjusted is the norm ...
Where to turn a blind eye and live a self serving life will count no more !! 
Yes ...
I want a place for the refugee, estranged from  his land ,his family ...who watched his baby thrown into the sea ...and has no home ... to know he is  welcome ...even with his mobile phone !!
I want a place where the homeless man can eat until he's  full ... to sit around a table and feel a lessening of a pull ...to medicate ...his fragile mental state ...
I want a place to care for the carer who
has given her all  ...with not a thought for herself...at the expense of her own health 
I want a place where a single mother can be mothered for a moment while her children play safely ...and rest 

I want a place that offers the best ...
The best a human can give ...

With Words that tell another to truly LIVE 

I want a place that says  to those who come with nothing ...you are loved. 

 I want a place where KINDNESS  is the gold standard of care  not a commodity  seen in the eyes when the sniff of the pound is there  .
I want a place free from limited minds ...unkind egoic self seekers
I want a place built on the belief we ARE our brothers keeper


His holiness the Dalai Lama wrote the following

 "All the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether".

A wise man of our time!

As a person who has engaged in Christianity yet always reticent to adopt any label I believe Christ as he is personified in the new testament would agree

 He himself a fellow traveller lifted himself beyond the confines of the religion and culture of his time.....clearly understanding his own nature and so pointed a way. There is a wonderful story in the bible where Jesus asks one of his disciples to leave the boat and walk on the water.....I personally equate this to taking a step beyond religion ....the boat being the religion . This is however a great step and a very individual process.....For some the safety of the boat is still needed and indeed helpful...for others not...we are all on a journey

This is written for those whom would claim to have a monopoly on the truth

True hope is placed in things not seen

beyond our visions , beyond our dreams

beyond our cares and worldly affairs

beyond our tears and through our fears

As if children of truth drinking through straws knowing little of the wine our God pours

embodied in flesh, clinging to what we see

and if what we see is taken away

what we believe comes to disarray

We stumble we fall we judge we divide

to prove ourselves right we say others have lied

It is time to go beyond the doctrines of men

From 20th century Pharisees to fishers of men

from the threshing floor to the open door

from the law of Saul to the revelation of Paul

Can we see facets of truth in ALL?

Can we be rooted, immovable and still

centred completely in our higher will?

Can we shed light to the darkest of minds

whilst trusting its God who gives sight to the blind?

Can we let go of what we think we know?

let our minds be renewed as white as snow

Can we radiate knowing and joy through trials?

let our actions be the first to cause others to smile

We live in a time where people must see

this world is transient, yet eternal are we

the image of our maker with divine authority to manifest peace wherever we may be

A social order with no veil of confusion

united hearts can tear down illusion

Love in action is service to mankind

patience and trust transcends the cleverest of minds

So let us not engage in the arguments of men

our actions speak louder when we are loving them

Christ you are indeed a light in our hearts

lets consider your life as a work of art

painted on the walls of eternity

speaking to us all individually........

Love is calling ...
Love is always calling...
We are that love...

My question is 
Are we listening ?

Do we sit in front of our TVs
Absolved of all responsibility 
claiming to be happy 
Yet inwardly craving to be free ?

Or do we have the courage to be with our soul and hear the cries ?
To listen , to really listen 
To pay attention and see beyond the lies , the ties and attachments we made when we wade goodbye to innocence, when we were children 
To dive down deep beneath the layers
To weep for what we’ve become ?

Love is calling... 
Love is always calling...
We are that love...

So wake up NOW ....listen ...

Watch your thoughts
they lead to actions 
Rise above your fears 
and self limiting sanctions
let your story go
Think you have nothing to give? 
Wake up NOW and start to LIVE 
Your were not born to be a slave 
To work yourself into an early grave 
To be subjected to the maya of the mind
In reality all thought can potentially bind 

It’s time to break  free from your group ,your class ,your ideas of who your supposed to be
Turn off you phone !
Take your eyes off the tv !
With it's adverts claiming to make you happy 

Stop for a minute 
Just simply BE...

How is a moment of silence for you?
Does it reveal  how distraught you really are ?
Without your distractions, your shiny new car ! 
Can you see ?
or are you unfulfilled ?
With dull eyes closed heart shopping bags and daily drills?
dead dreams
Life without purpose 
Life without love 
With futile hopes for freedom one day 
When you retire to what with your last pay ? 

Come on now 
Don’t be lead by every passing pleasure 
Not everything that glitters is made of Gold 
No prince will come and save the day 
External beauty fades away
Stay with greed 
It will surely make you old
as the yearning for more marks your face with a hunger so apparent when the soul is displaced 

Materialism stripping the world bare 
The 1 percent 
Comfortable content
Divide and conquer
An age old tool 
communities split
As we fight amongst ourselves like disembodied fools 
for the scraps at the table 
Forgetting  we are able
To make a change 

Wake up now ...

Love is calling... 

Love is always calling...

We are that love...

Yet we see separation division
war poverty
Rising numbers of homelessness  amongst the most vulnerable
The elderly sleeping on streets
little to eat
children sold as sex slaves
knife crime
kids with knives
young girls engraved as they cut themselves 
because they hate what they feel inside with no sense of pride for who they are !
Kids with I phones taking selfies
yet to bare the scars of their journey through life
as they see their fears manifest only to test ...their will to LOVE....

their WILL to LOVE....

And we say …it makes no sense ….
We say there is no hope  
We say we have travelled the path to wide…
Let me just seek a little comfort inside

For its too painful to see …

this sickness this poverty with its 
Food banks this Austerity !
I cant even bare to look at me !

Yet look we must and change we must 

For Love is calling... 
Love is always calling...
We are that love...

Don't continue to turn a blind eye 
While children starve and people die 
What will you do when it comes to your door your home? 
For it will just wait 
we are not alone 
A globalised world 
it's there for us to see 
Order from chaos ?
the violence will come 
the storm before the calm 
Are you ready with your 23rd psalm 

You have everything you need ! 
Dig down deep 
See it 
know it 
live it 
feel it 
breath it and 
Take heed! 

I'm seeing raised banners
i'm seeing calls for war 
I'm seeing the crowds a gathering 
for something we've never seen before 
The far right with Salutes at arm 
The left with banners stood to disarm 
Racist ideology born from hate and fear 
It's the 11th hour 
Time is drawing near

Stand yourself up 
Shake the dust down 
Open your hearts wide
To dissolve this great divide
If we stay in our slumber its our own demise 

The path has been laid
DO NOT  be afraid
Stop following the rules
We came to shake up, to redefine 
the herd mentality to the call of the divine 
There's no time to sleep 
No time to ask HOW 
Be ready to SERVE
SURRENDER ...now bow!
Bow to the truth that whispers in YOUR  soul ...
The still small voice within 
That whispers ...

Wake up now! 

Love is calling... 
Love is always calling...
We are that love...

So  don't wait for the day to come 
When mans destruction has blacked out the sun 
Climate change!
the school run not much fun when your kid cant run for the fumes in his lungs.
And that’s if they have the luxury of school
 kids searching daily for food in rubbish dumps little hands as tools
We have displaced people 
movement on mass
Leaders deranged 
Exit Brexit the Trump card being played 
Wars between nations
People afraid
Walls being built to keep refugees out
Cages being built to keep refugees in
Children separated from parents
Displaced people living in tents

Wake up now! 

Love is calling... 
Love is always calling...
We are that love...

We forget who we are…

Over identified with limited senses defined by what we see
Yet we are co creators in this joint reality
We have a CHOICE to do it consciously 
Remember we are human BEINGS not human doings 
the quality of your BEING will determine your Action
Like I said remove your self limiting sanctions 
Inspired action creates lasting change 
Reactive minds put us back in the cave 

Ask yourself NOW
Is your life inspired?
Will you stop and take a look
and  move beyond  protesting on Facebook ?
When you see another suffer 
What do you do ?
When you sense injustice 
Does it inspire you to move ?
Ask yourself NOW how can you serve another?
Ask yourself NOW is my neighbour my brother ?
Don't look for the twig in your brothers eye and miss the log in your own 
Don't fight your battles thorough social media and forget those close to home 

Wake up now 

Love is calling... 

Love is always calling...
We are that love...

So rise above all you have ever known and respond to what we are now being shown 
Be inspired to bring about change 
Start with your OWN HEART and the things within range 
BE the change you want to see
Give thanks for ALL you have and choose to be FREE. 
Love one another 
It's a a simple choice 
Don't be a puppet be a voice 

The only conclusion to the spiritual journey in this world is service to one another through the vibration of LOVE 

Remember ....

Love is calling... 
Love is always calling...

As Rumi says let the winds of heaven dance between us

My love for you is in the moment ... it is now.... not a future projection but an expression of the integrated heart moment to moment

No holding ... no yearning ...no wanting ...


Let us not make any false promises
That come from the ego and refuse to let go causing confusion
And disillusion

No distractions ... reactions to words
Bordering on absurd
High expectations
Stilted relations

I will not look to you to fill the void that resides inside of me ...
Tempting as it may be ...

I wrote this once many years ago
And now I realise ...
The truth of it !
The commitment we make is to our own heart
We cannot sustain anything but
The journey to the heart from the mind
All other promises will only bind
To love another is to be fully aligned
And trust in the real self is the ultimate find ....

How do I know this ... because fear and insecurity has held me tight
I’ve tried to cling to hold with all my might ...to ones I love

What would I do when this love is gone
Will my heart break ...

Questions ....doubts
Resistance ...projections
The maya of the mind
Clinging to all it can find ....

Yet the beauty of life and all its turns
Means even the yearning
Can come to fruition
Can be the flowering of consciousness
If we simply breath and observe ...

For this this wanting, this holding however it manifests has been the catalyst to unravel a deeper unrest
The unrest embedded in the dark corners of the mind

That fear, separation of any kind
Yet it is fear and doubt that separate
Like a cancer that grows and distorts the truth
But now I see it ... it’s become so clear
An uncomfortable moment ...
Becomes the push to go deep ...

It loses its power as I draw near to the love that is ME.... that is us ..that is ALL
And how have I come to see ..
Because my trust I thought tested
Pushed me deeper on my journey
I saw the parts that have played the story
The poor me,the aloof, the strong and wise one
Yet beyond the story and the parts I saw God in GLORY

The isness as Mooji might say....

And the love in me manifests you
And you have loved and still love too
your love has helped me to truly trust
That whatever happens in life

That your love
As is mine is not dependant
On transient experiences
or the ego identity
An expression of love forever
Is a beautiful expression
Yet still it exists in the moment ...
As an expression of the moment

There are no guarantees
And this is good
It turns our hearts truly inwards
To find the love and depth
That can only be found within
To stand on ones own promise
And not the consistency of our fellow kin

In this way love flows forever
Yet makes no guarantees
It’s fresh
It’s alive
It moves and grows
It shapes it nurtures ....
And when ones day it’s time to part
This love will still be
Like a work of art
Painted on the walls of eternity

No fear ...
No insecurity .....

For love is a house not even death can knock down
