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United Kingdom
We are poets , healers , lovers and dreamers and oh so much more......................

Saturday 28 March 2020

As light filtered through the crack
of the collective mind
new codes were given ...new ways of living ...
old modes of perception deepened through reflection
cut through deception
until we saw on mass through the illusion of separation
And birthed into creation
A new vision ...
A vision foretold in books of old ...
Held in the bloodlines of our indigenous ancestors
for us to manifest
when the time of a great test
Came upon us ....
Some thought it would be
world war three
Not a tiny little bubble of protein ...covid 19
A virus that doesn’t even fit the characteristics of anything living
Inert ... unable to assert to procreate
or dictate any trajectory in our lives
Only the one assigned by us
As we provide the hosts

Taking on its DNA ...

In this yes ...some sadly passed
Some stayed ...

As is always
The balance of life
revealing impermanence
unveiling in its wisdom
our collective state of cognitive dissonance
As we found ourselves
Sat on sofas in our homes
Plugged into mobile phones
Watching the news 24/7
Political and spiritual porn...adorned
in our Pjamas
Others springing into action
making plans .. or engaging in distractions
from these heightened states of alert and anxiety
When faced with the challenge of rethinking our whole society
To a society built on the principle of unity
of innate beauty and value ... seen in ALL

Let the words of Aldous Huxley stand tall

“The true measure of any society is how it treats its most vulnerable members ”

And by grace we remembered
our own frailty
Sat in our vulnerability
Bought to our knees in humility
And made a collective effort to
to bring about
Spiritual social and economic reform
Reborn when faced with our most primal fear ...
Biblical words ringing true
death the final enemy
as we slip through the veil into eternity ...
awaken from misplaced identity to mastery
Walking between worlds and multiple realities
Yet grounded in our humanity ...
Balancing the masculine with embodied femininity
To bring about real social change ...
Politics infused with love , collaboration consideration
For the elderly the poor , the disabled
Those on Zero hr contracts NHS staff and key workers
The new hero’s in our 2020 ground zero ...

You see As the light filtered through the cracks in our houses our windows and doors
The house ...
Symbolic of the self
We paused ...
we stopped
We took a break from the norm
the mundane the insane pace ..
the 9-5 rat race
And we breathed !
We breathed
And the longer we stayed in social isolation
Tiring of the saturation of mental stimulation..
the more we were taken into
Unification of self ...
Feeling the pull into deeper contemplation
one by one we started to awaken

You see

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”

And and through each window came a different spectrum of light
Specific to each person
In varying degrees of fight or flight
Each with their own narrative
Their own story
Each faced with the truth of their own vulnerability
At first was indifference
then fear
then anger
then projections
unsolicited advice
preoccupations with other peoples lives ,responses and choices
Other peoples voices ...
Until we were effectively placed under house arrest
The real test
To be with ourselves ....
no spectators
Faced with four walls ...
We learnt to be the hero in our own stories
It was all we were ever meant to do...

So let’s not only define our experience by the tragedy of these times
let your story and yours and your and mine
Re define this book of LIFE
And honour those who are dying

Mind over matter
Consider the latter
The body as the only real teacher
Existing in the now ...
You see With the mind
One foot steps in hope and the other foot steps in fear
But the only journey we need to take is 18 inches from the head to right here (heart)
So lets take a step back through the cracks in our minds
Down the rabbit hole
Back through those blind alleys
To see if we can get some soul into this thing
Maybe mind over matter through our creative endeavours
can put pen to paper and write a new narrative on mental health
not one established through male white power privilege and Wealth
We are living in revelation times
Our patriarchal paradigm with its false power declines
The notion the American psychiatric association
A lineage of men that stripped indigenous people of their lands and basic freedoms
Had the right to create the dsm bible
A manual that defines all mental suffering
Is beyond me
Written for parochial reasons to establish power
And we like fools are paying the price a century later
Believing everything we have been told
By a group of men claiming superior knowledge over the the human condition
Yet their forefathers slaughtered my ancestors
To deny me and filter down age old wisdom and my female intuition…
Pushing over cognition with draconian precision
dualistic thinking
separation competition
The blind leading the blind
Lost in contraction
No bodily abreaction to life’s awakening call
Numbed down dumbed down
prescriptions and pills
calcifying the pineal
expecting you to be healed
to bend your will

Albeit with good intention
These Psychotropic medications
Psychological talking interventions
That take you down the proverbial rabbit whole until you drown
In this endless pursuit
A hungry ghost!
Because someone said there is something wrong with you!

Lost in the Maya of the mind
in truth all thought can potentially bind
mental weights versus fluid states
victim mentality versus karmic interplay
We forgot to see with the strong I
So, I and I became we
Lost in the complexities of these conflicting personalities we see
All grasping for centre stage
The victim the warrior the poor me
The wise sage
Yet here we are at a dawning new age
kings and queens bursting at the seams
to be reborn
Yet we can be like fish swimming in the ocean looking for the sea
And the illusion of separation keeps the blind man in search of freedom
Lost in this three-dimensional reality
In its fixed expression of density
heavy emotional body
with so much shame and self-blame….
Let me tell you a thing or two
Fear pain anxiety are not indicative of your insanity
Just your nervous system adapting to a profoundly disembodied patriarchal society
Capitalism at the expense of our humanity.
Maintains the wealth of the 1 percent
Perpetuating huge disparity
In health wealth with rising numbers in mental health
Are we surprised?
You cannot divorce the abuse of power greed and social exclusion
From poverty sickness and divided communities.
Its time for change ….
In the end
Greed is a losing game
And fame ….
Well there are no hiding places
Look a Harvey Weinstein
23 years …
He crossed a line and abused his power
Came down from his golden tower
We are shifting out of an old paradigm
Witnessing A war and peace polarity
energetic shifts to bring clarity
Sometimes this looks like insanity
As our bodies struggle to transmute all this negativity
Anchoring the light whilst others fight
exposing corrupt governments and bringing transparency
There is power in community
When communities come together
And now in this climate
Its a better time than ever
a coronavirus pandemic
But the real pandemic is fear
Cleverly crafted by a few suited men
To serve an agenda that keeps us misguided divided …. from self and other
Herd immunity
How about herd mentality !
It can’t take a grip
When we strip back the layers of all these masked players
And release the fear that tells every heart
to fear our power within
The real shift that will heal our world is not only social distancing handwashing and the hope for a miracle vaccine
its 18 inches from the head to the heart
To feel our divinity within
How do we get there?
Take one step take two
Take three
drop out through space and time
out of your three score years and ten
Right down into eternity
To fix this case of misplaced identity
Become the observer of all you see
The silent one that weaves a story
Between mind emotions the will…all three
tread this path
of mind heart cohesion
Let life be the knife that cuts with precision ...
Unravelling its depths with healing incisions
Let go
when you go into the world
Don’t be fooled by all the things that glitter like Gold
But if you do well …. a lesson learnt is wisdom earned
Its ok...
we manifest many experiences along the way
Loves not made perfect in anyone afraid
Pick yourself up and dust yourself down
Don’t engage in fear fuelled conversations
Casual relations
Lacking in intimacy and human decency
Don’t waste your time in mental acrobatics
With people fighting wars of different perceptions
Always in need of constant corrections
Those with fixed positions of right and wrong
Stay right here ( heart )
Don’t let your hearts song go unsung
Your rhyme undone
Don’t negotiate your life away
Or bargain with your truths
taking bullets gone astray
from others who shoot their scriptures from the hip
Making you tip
into uncertainty…
You see the open mind is really an open heart
it can hold two things at the same time with no need to pull them apart
It’s called maturity
Let life take you from all these karmic twists and long drawn out lists
of the things you thought you had to do
To get to the truth of you
your’re enough
listen to that still small voice within
The voice that whispers
The intuition that shifts us
Beyond dual thinking and the complexities of reason
To unity consciousness
And mind and heart cohesion
You see a being that relies heavily on reason
Lacks compassion and starts to fashion a life
That denies the depth of our feelings
A life without feeling is like a painting with no colour
A book with no story
A half life, no passion no depth on auto pilot inert
Unable to assert the soul’s true expression
No lasting impression …
So, let’s take that step back through the cracks in our minds
Down the rabbit hole
Back through those blind alleys
To see if we can get some soul into this thing
Open your heart

Look at your life as art
Sometimes ate is messy
Stop ....take a pause
Get out of the realm of cause
And effect
Be still .......detect a moment
Look for space between a breath
Here in lies the egos death
And reveals the breadth and width of your soul
Watch as she unveils to the world ....
and weaves a lighter tale
Where love conquers all fears
as we take that journey
18 inches from the head to right here (heart )

All suffering comes from the conditioned mind.
A human being fully present it would seem is a rare find .
To be Present in the moment with no regrets or worry of the future.... for  it hasn't happened Yet.
To hold that  peace surpassing all understanding which radiates joy when life is demanding .

To walk with the wise and wisdom of old letting go of the stories the collective have been told .... 

When Conditioned by our parents community and society to follow the rules ensuring our sobriety .
To be sober for what!!
Do I care !!! Care for such rules that seek to subdue and abuse the light that gives flight to those who would choose  to follow their heart and find their muse  .
Yet the matrix so strong with our do's and our dont's it matters not the majority vote !
And those  that are lost in the collective dream express this behaviour in 2 extremes ....

Material pleasures distracting the mind 

Ignoring behaviours which make them blind 
Blind to social and economic disparity and dead to voices that would seek to bring clarity .
Blind to to the environment no longer  to feed as the land is sterilised by hybrid seeds 

Blind to the effects of the foods we eat these GMOS and processed meats 
Blind to violence torture and rape 
Blind to actions which give rise to such hate 
that would allow the enslavement  of woman and child resulting in  pain and  innocence abandoned 

And then there are those of the other extreme  embellished in their own internal dream

The do's and the dont's give rise to the judge 
The judge within , expressed in the idea of original sin 
I am unworthy not good enough
In need of saving always craving
Always yearning never learning that peace is found within 
Craving attention and seeking validation these fractured minds begin to hate
Pain turned inwards they self medicate

To soften their spiralling  mental state 
alcohol, drugs afflictions ,addictions and then of course the many convictions 

And those that would avoid the strong arm of the law have many pills to combat ills . 
A quick fix to take away my pain my body's not able my mind insane .
I'm told by many so it must be true take this pill it's good for you !
The medical model and it's dominant rule !

It must be right and good for our health sanctified and delivered by those esteemed and redeemed by status and wealth 

Yet something is happening , an awareness is rising

Even Science is moving in New directions with epi genetics and quantum physics bringing it's corrections.
The body no longer subject to its genes rather able to heal through holistic means 

Mind over matter , the placebo affect is not to be dismissed ... With respect ! 
To think ourselves well what a crazy idea ! Shout the medical community in United fear .  Audit measure observe record write it up on shiny white boards  Don't focus your attention on ideas of Ascension we can fix you
Yes it's true. 

There are however great medical minds who would embrace their skills whom are loving and kind
And whilst we must move beyond a mechanistic view the past can serve to bring greater truths.
The medical model has gotten us this far moving us beyond  superstitions of old where religion and fear kept truths untold
So science as it moves into a new paradigm sees the universe as consciousness and studies the sublime 

Atomic energy being  all that we see in the light of awareness  becomes physical reality ...if this is true  what are we ?

Waves of pure potential new scientists say ....the old boundaries start to fall away .
If all is energy and everything I see all around including me ... Atoms and particals  .... Energy
If this is us ....we are the same as stardust !

So this is you this is me  there's not much difference really
We have no fixed identity
We are free!

Free from the conditioned mind which lures the blind and seeks to bind
Free from the view that separates ,divides and dictates as it asserts itself through various ego states .

Free from the separation age which would divide humanity in many ways  by race , by culture ,by country, by wage , by class by gender by religion by age ... A cage!
Yet free from the cage of the conditioned mind the expanded view gives sight to the blind .
And those that are free move to a new space
Evolution you could say for the human race
Philosophy Religion the Arts and Science  merging into one in the light of the sun
And why ?

To create a new paradigm 
The body in tune with the universal rhyme
Not a structure to be taken apart 

But a dynamic process to be looked upon as Art
Beautiful  in essence you and I
Our potential unlimited. Look to the skies
Take a new view
FEEL the expansiveness which is YOU ...
And as you experience this expanded state you will find you are no longer subject to the worlds dictate
A feeling of freedom gives rise to deep love and feelings of joy and peace all above
Above  the lower expressions of the reptilian brain which serves to react when in fear and in pain .
Can you SEE  it ?
Can you FEEL it
Breath in Breath out .... BE it.
Oh and to BE this love that arises the love that is us
The enlightened mind says what was the fuss ?

To feel  this love it's enabling , inspiring it nurtures  and gives  birth to a courage I feel rising
I breath in I breath out .
I stop the lament and set my intent ...
Put pen to paper ready to share
Why ? 

Because I care
And because I care , I dare
All this thought is put into action as I remove my mask and self limiting sanctions .
It is only love that teaches love in a society that values academia above the kindness of a human soul that has suffered enough  to come back to being whole .
It is only love that will connect with another taught to us by the love of a mother .
It is only love that brings in the light to those  wounded in fight or flight 

It is only love that will bring true healing and take us deeper into our feelings
Feelings of peace that we spoke about above those feelings of joy and peace and trust .
So trust and let go of what you think you know
Be in the moment , as if a child be present be free be simple be kind .

Feel this moment feel it right now you are okay and you DO know how xx

Wild woman

Can you feel her crouched down in the depth of your belly stirring up the fire
Shadows of your ancestors dancing on the walls of the cave
Coming alive with their medicine
Bare feet hardened by the journey
Keeping her firm to the ground
She moves closer to the fire
Eyes wide open stick in hand
Every doubt like a burning twig
She prods and stokes the fire higher
To herald in your deepest desire
Wild woman can you feel her
Thud thud thud ...
she’s coming
It started with a whisper as she pulled you back from compliance
From submission
From numbed down feelings
Created by the ceilings in your house that you never put there
Yet glazed eyes stared
As the ware and tare set in
and wondered
Is this it ....
Wild woman can you feel her
She’s coming thud thud thud
Awaiting your allience
To listen
To really listen
The beat of your own drum
To your song unsung
Kept in the belly of a cave too long
Chained but never fully enslaved
She was the doubt that pulled you away
So you didn’t stay and lose your way
She was the weeping heart that nobody saw every night as you lay there
And cried the tears that nobody saw for your fears of being judged
She was the defiant eye that said more than a thousand words when that line was crossed by another
For the last time ....
She was the one that pulled your body in repulse as others stepped in and tried to control ... through their own fears.
She was the one who wiped your tears .
Wild woman
Can you feel her
She’s coming
Rising up from the belly ....from the cave
Leaving no stone unturned
No part unheard
No soul tethered
Enslaved in systems in cages in patriarchal mazes with minds bent in abstraction contraction fear and control
Fragmented souls
Hungry ghosts chasing life in competition separation external fixations
Wild woman
She’s coming ....
And her fire will burn
Her love will turn every cold and Hardened heart of stone
Strip you back to bone
And rebuild you ....
wild woman she’s coming .....

It’s the stripping back you see
That brings you to your truth
Not the adding of layers
With masked players
Creating a bullet proof version of you !
Hardened like a fool
To the real play of life
It’s the letting go
Of all you thought you were meant to be
As you come fully into the awareness of your beautiful body
Feeling it’s flow and the beat of your heart
unique and eternal
it imparts
an age old wisdom
To balance the patriarch
From Dual mind and contradiction
To unity consciousness and deep inner vision
embodied through healing incisions that come
When we are truly read to FEEL
our deep seated fears
Our shadows tears
The darkest voice HIDDEN from our conditioned saintly ears !!
Ready to give every part it’s expression
So no lasting impression
Dissolves our connection
To self
Only a disembodied mind led fool is a tool for the perpetual rule of a patriarchal society
That absolves itself of all responsibility
To bring balance equilibrium and harmony
Our current state of seeing is sacrilegious to our true state of being
Over cognition... endless repetition of age old patterns separation and division !!
A mind and body with no heart cohesion
Requires the spiritual incision
Of woman !!!


And she speaks through your soul and says.....
I will not remain small
To maintain you in the safety of the wall you built around your own heart
I will not remain silent while you busy your mind with blind ambition
Propelled by your social and moral conditioning
I will not be tamed by the constraints you have named and framed as your reality
To keep you comfortable
I will not remain chained in the dark recesses of your mind for your fears of what others might say
When the time comes to stand in your truth
I will keep pushing
I will keep calling
I’ll be disguised as guilt
Disguised as rejection
Disguised as shame
I’ll be The apparent dichotomy that splits your psyche until the inanity can no longer remain
And you fall apart again
I’ll be the masked player reflecting your fears
I’ll be that nagging voice right between your ears
When you want to bury your head and run
I am not only the gentle and loving voice
The warm smile
The inviting touch
The comforter the healer the one who embraces
I will feel reveal all your shadows all your faces
Until you stand in this world with your arms stretched wide and see yourself in ALL
I am your soul that calls you every minute of every day in every karmic interplay

There is no resting place outside of me
Wake up
Wake up
wake up
