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We are poets , healers , lovers and dreamers and oh so much more......................

Saturday 18 April 2020

It’s not always what it seems ... dreams she wrote

Her first poetic words age 19 Etched with black ink on little screwed up bits of paper disregarded, 27 years later resurrected with typos autocorrected when the pen outdated replaced with phone,
now texting streams of consciousness in between the mundanity of modern day living, rebirthing those visions through dreamtime.
Weaving an old story antiquated by uniformity and monocultures with 24/7 screen time
Mechanical minds drip fed narratives imposing
separation and division through external controls and the centralisation of power through coercion on our world ....

Tap tap tap she writes
Nothing like a virus to break an old programme
Nothing like a crisis
to create a new paradigm

It’s not always what it seems ....dreams she wrote as she awoke again at 3am
Recalling whispering voices, implying new choices, subtle impressions revealed through divine intercessions, schooled at night, monkey mind quiet
She remembers there is no singular opponent to fight
As if humanity were in a narcissistic Relationship with the establishment the illusive 1 percent
Aligning our agreements to a victim abuser dynamic, giving consent
losing our power as we mirror back anger in reactive modes outdated codes hiding in the shadows of our fears
Weeping tears of betrayal
by our leaders

Tap tap tap she writes
Nothing like a virus to break an old programme
Nothing like a crisis
to create a new paradigm

It’s not always what it seems dreams she wrote ....take note

Value based questions now being asked when tasked with removing our individual masks to the apparent separation from the rest of creation ... to see if we can move in symbiotic coherence
To live our lives with more beauty and reverence

Longevity of life, preserved at all costs or quality of life and dignity in dying.
scientific enquiry above quantum reality natural healing inner wisdom and intuitive feelings ...the lost technologies of energetics and plant-based medicines
Capitalism or gifting society’s and fair exchange systems
Globalisation and centralised power over local communities collaborating together
Protecting the vulnerable from future infections with enforced vaccinations at the expense of our freedoms.
Safety over risk
Chipped as we sit
Under parental control
Told where we can and cannot go in the name of protecting our frail and old.
Willing for a while for the loved we hold dear
will it be the same ...can we sit for years?
Have our children climatize to fear
Risk manage our future on past tragedy?
manifest a trajectory defined by scarcity?
The new normal
Like 9/11 the war on terrorism
Covid 19 a war on a pathogen
The language of war perpetuates more ...
War ...
conspiracy theorists and the mainstream alliance apparent enemies
But frenemies through fear
a house divided is a house that can’t stand
virtual opponents in a colonised land
the natural wealth of culture ritual belonging intimacy and diversity replaced with packaged products tech based online activities
Short term gain and adversity
Consumerism exponential economic growth over simple living sharing well-being and health
Problem reaction solution
Divide and conquer stirs up confusion
Be mindful there are dark agendas but also good people
It’s fertile ground for sowing seeds or watering weeds
Which type of gardener do you want to be ...

Tap tap tap she writes
Nothing like a virus to break an old programme
Nothing like a crisis
To create a new paradigm

All of truth can be found in nature
When we are gone
The earth will still breath
Flowers self-seed
skies will paint pictures of unity
landscapes will mould and shape to the elements in wondrous diversity
Reflecting natural artistry
The wind will still blow
The seas come alive
New species will thrive
Scorched lands will heal
The sun will still rise
The moon will still orbit
The planets will align
To perpetuate new cycles
Earthly and divine ...

no humans to measure time or quantify
Things with reductive minds
But we are still here no path set in stone
Don’t let another’s choices refract from your own.
As we sit in our houses thinking we are alone

Look how one pandemic can spark coherent action
We can change a war narrative
through creative abstraction
move away from evolutionary patterns
of dominion and rule ..patriarchal tools  
Awaken ancient stories of love service connection to our tribe
Indigenous wisdom revived
So each one thrives as we see in others mirrors of ourselves
When attacks on your ideas take hold
Take your triggers and turn them to gold
It’s not the words we say but the energy behind them
Remember when things overwhelm
we can start small
grass roots economies can flourish
Stand tall
One good deed one little seed
It all boils down to one simple choice
Choose love over fear
And let it be heard
your seed is your gift that can birth a new world ...

1 comment:

  1. wow. may i share this on NAAS? i discovered your link through NAAS...and am looking for potential connections in london since i plan to visit this spring...

