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We are poets , healers , lovers and dreamers and oh so much more......................

Saturday 17 May 2014

To Be Present

All suffering comes from the conditioned mind.
A human being fully present it would seem is a rare find .
To be present in the moment with no regrets or fear of the future.... for  it hasn't happened yet.
To hold that  peace surpassing all understanding which radiates joy when life is demanding
To walk with the wise and wisdom of old, letting go of the stories the collective have been told .... When conditioned  by our parents community and society to follow the rules ensuring our sobriety . 

To be sober for what!
Do I care ! 

Care for such rules that seek to subdue and abuse the light that gives flight to those who would choose  to follow their heart and find their muse  .
Yet the matrix so strong with our do's and our dont's, it matters not the majority vote !
And those that are lost in the collective dream express this behaviour in 2 extremes.
Material pleasures distracting the mind ignoring behaviours which make them blind .

Blind to social and economic disparity and dead to voices that would seek to bring clarity .
Blind to to the environment no longer  to feed as the land is sterilised by hybrid seeds and blind to the effects of the foods we eat these GMO'S and processed meats . 

Blind to violence torture and rape, blind to actions which give rise to such hate that would allow the enslavement  of woman and child resulting in  pain and  innocence abandoned .
And then there are those of the other extreme  embellished in their own internal dream. 

The do's and the dont's give rise to the judge .... the judge within , expressed in the idea of original sin.
I am unworthy not good enough, in need of saving always craving , always yearning never learning that peace is found within . 
Craving attention and seeking validation these fractured minds begin to hate .
Pain turned inwards they self medicate to soften their spiralling  mental state 

Alcohol, drugs, afflictions , addictions and then of course the many convictions .
And those that would avoid the strong arm of the law have many pills to combat ills . 

A quick fix to take away my pain my body's not able my mind insane .
I'm told by many so it must be true take this pill it's good for you !
The medical model and it's dominant rule !
It must be right and good for our health sanctified and delivered by those esteemed and redeemed by status and wealth .
Yet something is happening , an awareness is rising even Science is moving in new directions with Epi Genetics and  Quantum Physics bringing it's corrections.
The body no longer subject to its genes rather able to heal through holistic means .

Mind over matter , the placebo affect is not to be dismissed ,With respect ! 
To think ourselves well what a crazy idea ! Shout the medical community in united fear . 
Audit, measure, observe, record, write it up on shiny white boards .
Don't focus your attention on ideas of ascension, we can fix you  , yes it's true. 
There are however great medical minds who would embrace their skills , whom are loving and kind.
And whilst we must move beyond a mechanistic view , the past can serve to bring greater truths.
The medical model has gotten us this far.

Moving us beyond  superstitions of old where religion and fear kept truths untold .
So science as it moves into a new paradigm sees the universe as  consciousness and studies the sublime . Atomic energy being  all that we see, in the light of awareness  becomes physical reality .

If this is true,  what are we ?
Waves of pure potential new scientists say .

The old boundaries start to fall away .
If all is energy and everything I see all around including me .....Atoms and particles, energy.

If this is us ....we are the same as stardust !
So this is you, this is me,  there's not much difference really.
We have no fixed identity.
We are free!
Free from the conditioned mind which lures the blind and seeks to bind.
Free from the view that separates , divides and dictates as it asserts itself through various ego states . 

Free from the separation age which would divide humanity in many ways ,  by race , by culture ,by country, by wage , by class, by gender, by religion, by age ... A cage. !
Yet free from the cage of the conditioned mind the expanded view gives sight to the blind .
And those that are free move to a new space.
Evolution you could say for the human race .
Philosophy Religion the Arts and Science  merging into one in the light of the sun.
And why ? 

To create a new paradigm , the body in tune with the Universal Rhyme.
Not a structure to be taken apart but a dynamic process to be looked upon as Art
Beautiful  in essence YOU and I .
Our potential unlimited. Look to the skies!
Take a new view
FEEL the expansiveness which is YOU .
And as you experience this expanded state you will find  you are no longer subject to the worlds dictate .
A feeling of freedom gives rise to deep love and feelings of joy and peace all above
Above the lower expressions of the reptilian brain which serves to react when in fear and in pain .
Can you SEE  it ?
Can you FEEL it?
Breath in, Breath out .... BE it.
Oh and to BE this LOVE that arises the LOVE that is US
The enlightened mind says what was the fuss ?

To feel  this LOVE it's enabling , inspiring it nurtures  and gives  birth to a courage I feel rising .
I breath in I breath out .
I stop the lament and set my intent .
Put pen to paper ready to share. 

Why ? Because I care and because I care , I dare!
All this thought is put into action as I remove my mask and self limiting sanctions .
It is only LOVE that teaches LOVE in a society that values academia above the kindness of a human soul that has suffered enough  to come back to being whole .
It is only LOVE that will connect with another, taught to us by the LOVE of a Mother .
It is only LOVE that brings in the light to those wounded in fight or flight . 

It is only LOVE that will bring true healing and take us deeper into our feelings
Feelings of peace that we spoke about above, those feelings of joy and peace and trust .
So trust and let go of what you think you know
Be in the moment , as if a child , be PRESENT , be FREE, be SIMPLE, be KIND .

FEEL this moment FEEL it right NOW you are okay and you DO know how X

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